Bullies suck.
We cannot get through this life unscathed from being bullied. I bet you could think of at least 1 traumatic experience from high school, right?
We cannot avoid them completely, but there are some tidbits I’ve found that help lessen the pain of their bite. Coming from a place of understanding rather than judgement.
For me, I’ve found that dealing with bullying adults – non-violent ones – is pretty similar to dealing with them as a kid growing up. I just started ignoring them or give them an apathetic response. They eventually get bored and move onto someone else that will give them the response they subconsciously need.
Since bullying is something we cannot fully get rid of, it’s best to equip yourself mentally to be able to react as peacefully and un-triggering as possible. You do not want to resort to physical harm or cowardice.
Like a mental samurai – A layer of self defense that remains hidden and only used when needed in life or death situations.
What’s your best or worst experience with a bully, at any age?
Leave me a comment below! 🙂